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기수를 틀어박고 뒤집히다 영어로


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  • nose over
  • 뒤집히다    뒤집히다1 (안팎이) be turned[turn] inside
  • 기수를 틀어박고 뒤집히는 것    nose over
  • 뒤집히다    뒤집히다1 (안팎이) be turned[turn] inside out; be turned over. (우산이) 바람에 ~ be blown inside out. 네 옷이 뒤집혀 있다 Your dress is wrong side out. 널어놓았던 블라우스가 바람에 뒤집혔다 The blouse I was drying had turned inside out
  • 배가 뒤집히다    keel
  • 틀어박히다    틀어박히다 confine oneself to[in] ; stay in[indoors / at home]; closet oneself in ; shut oneself up; be confined[closeted] in ; keep ; remain[keep] indoors. 세상을 등지고 ~ retire from the public eye. 시골에 ~ re
  • 에 틀어박히다    shut
  • 집히다    집히다 get picked up; be held[picked up] between one's fingers[thumb and fingers]. 손에 집히는 대로 먹다 eat anything one can put[get] one's hands on. 손에 집히는 대로 가지다 take all that one's fist can hold. 바늘이 잘 집히지
  • 잘 뒤집히는    kittle; touchous; ticklish; touchy
  • 틀어박다    틀어박다1 =틀어넣다.2 [오래 넣어 두다] hoard; keep in dead storage; keep idle (in stock).
  • 틀어박힌    reclusive; recluse
  • 틀어박힘    confinement
  • 들어박히다    들어박히다1 [들어가 박히다] fall[plunge / stick / slip / sink] into; be stuck; (못 등이) be driven ; (별·보석 등이) be studded[set / inlaid]; (총알 등이) be lodged; (물건들이 빽빽이) be packed; be stuffed; be chock-full. 끝까지 들어박
  • 휘어박히다    휘어박히다1 [넘어지다] be thrown[cast] down; be dropped.2 [굴복하다] submit ; yield ; bow ; succumb ; give in .
  • 상아탑에 틀어박힌    longhaired; longhair
  • 기수    기수 [奇數] =홀수.기수 [基數] 『數』 a simple[cardinal] number; a fundamental number.기수 [旗手] a standard-[color-]bearer; an ensign; a flagman. 연대 ~ a bearer of the regimental colors. 평화와 협력의 새로운 ~ a new standard-
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